

Load Limits
Each spring, Load Restrictions go into effect during the spring thaw period to prevent damage to roads from heavy loads. With the frost leaving the ground, the roads sub-grade is softer and is more prone to damage. By enforcing load restrictions the hope is to lengthen the life of our residential roads.  Restriction timelines are determined by Anoka County.

Any vehicle with an axle weight greater than the post limit must apply for a permit, see map below for posted limits.  Permits can be obtained by clicking the link below or call city hall at 763-784-5898.

Pot Holes
If you have concerns about a pot hole please email us or call city hall at 763-784-5898.

Traffic Signs
 If you see that a traffic sign has been damaged please call city hall at 763-784-5898 ore-mail us.

Storm Drains
When a storm drain or a catch basin is broken or not working properly please call city hall at 763-784-5898 or e-mailus.

Street Lights
 If there is a street light out please call us at 763-784-5898 or e-mailus.