Yard Waste Cart Service
Circle Pines residents looking for an easier way to get rid of yard waste can now subscribe to an optional cart service for weekly curbside disposal. The yard waste service will run April through November.
Cost for the service is $95 annually, nonrefundable, and covers one calendar year only. Yard waste subscriptions must be pre-paid at the time you schedule the service.
Service includes use of a 96-gallon yard waste cart on wheels with a lid and unlimited weekly pick-up of yard waste on Fridays. Additional yard waste that does not fit into the cart may be placed in a compostable or paper bag beside the yard waste container for no additional fee. Residents may also add additional yard waste carts for a charge of $35 for each cart.
All acceptable yard waste (leaves, grass clippings, garden waste and tree trimmings) should be mixed together inside the cart. Materials not considered yard waste include sod, dirt, tree stumps, hay, fruit, animal feces or dead animals. The yard waste cart should be placed at least three feet from the trash cart.
If you are interested in yard waste service, please call City Hall at 763-784-5898.