Park Board Members-Appointed

The Circle Pines Park Board is in charge of the operation of city parks. The Park Board is given jurisdiction over the operation of city parks by City Code. Funding for the Park Board's operation is from the city's general fund; and the parks' budget is set annually by the City Council. The Park Board operates independently having responsibility for its own operation. The Park Board considers issues such as location of sport fields, priority for installation of equipment, and work priorities for park staff, as well as the general operating policies of the city park system. Members are also charged with doing the long-range planning for the future park development.

The Park Board typically meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Park Board Members

Sada Ganske
(term expires 12/31/2026)

Tyler Newland
(term expires 12/31/2024)
Alana Neil
(term expires 12/31/2025)